Sunday, November 28, 2004


Why is it that the sales personnel at Christian bookstores have to be so obnoxious? When I walk in that store versus another, am I giving up my rights to personal space? To a quiet shopping atmosphere? Should we not expect that at a decidedly "Christian" store, shopping would be of the utmost pleasure?

Not so.

As I browsed the sale table for a good 15 minutes, I was approached by 3 out of the 4 sales associates that were working at this particular Christian bookstore this afternoon. Now don't get me wrong, I enjoy being waited upon and appreciate when store employees are at hand to answer pertinent questions, but this situation was a bit out of hand. You see, the sales table is approximately 3 feet away from the counter where customers check out, and behind which the sales associates are standing. Now they don't know that I'm not afraid to ask a question if I have one, but REALLY... do ALL THREE of you need to come and ask me if I'm finding everything alright, when you clearly see the other person just finished asking me the same question? Unreal.

And on top of that, Mr. Manager, the store is small. You do not need to raise your voice while trying to sell someone on a great deal so that everyone else could hear you, because even if you were talking close to a whisper, your voice would carry to my ear. And to ice the cake, because you can't keep the conversation between yourself and your customer, I am less likely to buy into your sale because I'm annoyed at you trying to give the same pitch to everyone who walks by. (By the way, they've all already heard it twice by the time they even make it to the sales table!)

And furthermore, when I've got a bag of merchandise from your store and my keys in hand, please don't try to interest me in another book on my way out the door. Where am I, at a John Maxwell event? You placed that table there so that people would see your books when they come in, I understand. Most will not return back to the line for another book on their way out... most logically because they've spent a ridiculous amount on enough ridiculously high-priced books. Save my sanity and yours and let me go. That way, I can come back tomorrow and buy that book you're trying to sell me, because hey - that's two punches on my perks card instead of one.

The bottom line is this - I will put up with pushy personnel because I am a sucker for perks cards. Go figure.


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