Monday, August 16, 2004

Red shoes

There's something about wearing red shoes that makes one's day a bit brighter - a bit more cheerful - especially when one's day is a Monday and it's raining.

There's something about red shoes that brings confidence - no matter how new they are or how the blisters are building on one's toes as one breaks them in - there's a certain air about a person wearing red shoes that says, "Today, I will conquer the world."

There's something about red shoes that brings life - an air of flair, perhaps - an attitude that allows an individual to relish in the thought, "I am wearing red shoes; I am fun."

There's something about red shoes that provokes a little dance to break out in the middle of the day - no matter how long it seems to have taken for the clock to strike the 12:00 hour - and perhaps adds a little kick, bringing energy to a night on the town.

There's something about red shoes that can make a woman feel wonderfully beautiful, yet fabulously funky at the same time.

I am convinced that the world should wear more red.


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