Tuesday, November 23, 2004


A close friend of mine once told me that he must marry a woman that understands him. What an interesting thought, since this is often what most people desire, but usually find insurmountable. Understanding the opposite gender? Impossible. I never thought that this one factor would be so crucial.

Yet there are those rare instances when one is proven wrong - when a certain Thomas is redeemed from his doubt - and a friend is found that understands the other to the core of his being. This isn't necessarily the friend that knows you well, but the one who understands why you do the things you do, the very fibers that define who you are. This, I believe, is your true friend, for he knows what you need. He understands where your values are grounded and strives to affirm you.

I never realized the value of understanding until I moved to a place in which those close to me were removed, where none around me knew me, let alone understood. Yet rising from this cloud of mistunderstanding and misdirection comes one who says, "I get it" or "I believe you can do that" or even as brutally honest as "It's not all about you, Kim." That's the person you're going to want to keep around - the one who understands you to the depth that he knows you need to hear the honest truth and will present it with kindness. He or she will provide the cushion as you kneel, preparing you for the battle you will need to wage. This is your true friend.


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