Thursday, September 30, 2004

Here's the story

As my coins clinked into the token machine at the MARTA rail station and I walked through the gates on to the train, a new sense of ownership flooded my mind: I live here. I live in Georgia. Atlanta is my home now, at least for a while. I had pictured myself at this spot for many months but I never really imagined it feeling like this -- I was excited. I was looking forward to a fresh start - no stereotypes or false pretenses or masks to wear. I was beginning a career and a new part of my life, and that was energizing.

The story is this: through a series of connections at Bethel College, I was introduced to Dr. Tim Elmore, vice-president of John Maxwell's leadership development organization EQUIP, and president of his own organization, Growing Leaders. I am now the Projects Manager for Growing Leaders, a small but fruitful company that works with colleges and universities across the US, promoting leadership development on thier campuses and assisting them in developing programming there as well. I also run what's tentatively titled the "Leadership Academy", a two-week intensive leadership training course here in Atlanta. At Growing Leaders, we believe leadership development is a process, not just an event. Our work here is about providing students the opportunity to develop the leadership potential that lies within them and use it to build the Kingdom of God.

Well in the course of 8 days on the job, I have been to two extremes: the
I'm-a-movie-star kind of feeling and the I-just-woke-up-and-still-have-my-retainer-in feeling. I've been as busy as if I were in college again, and though that wears me out, I count it as gain because I'm learning a lot as I go. I have met many people that do amazing things in the world of leadership development, and have been encouraged by a church that strives to build life-giving communities within it thousands of members.

I have been part of 722, a singles gathering where Louie Giglio (yes, he started the Passion worship movement, he's that guy) pushed 3,000 20-somethings to "be a David" to the city of Atlanta, bringing the glory of God to the center that it may influence those who pass through.

I have worked longer than 8-5 some days, I have lived in 4 different places in two weeks, I have gotten lost in suburbia, and have felt stretched beyond what I thought I'd see in the last week and a half... but to know that I am being obedient to a call of God on my heart and seeing His faithfulness in countless ways makes these small stones I've "tripped on" along the way seem worth it. I am slowly starting to see that the path I have followed has been delicately carved for me over the past few months - even years.

And I'm sure the lessons will continue...